First and foremost, I am a real Thug. What you are getting from this blog is true and sometimes personal for me. I'm very excited to share this lifestyle with you all and go into depth about the ups and many downs a person who lives this lifestyle goes through, and also, the people who go through it with him. This is by no means bragging or boasting about the lifestyle. This is only a close look at how "Thuggin" affects ones life. C'mon, walk with me..............
Subject: Should she stay or should she go?
He's never gonna change ! He's a Thug, he'll keep going back to jail. Should she leave him or support him while in jail??
What good is a woman who when a man is out is loyal, but when he's behind those walls leaves him, saying "I can't handle this."?? The truth is, that woman was NEVER loyal. If a woman is in a committed relationship while a man is on the outside she should stay committed to him while he's incarcerrated.
There are exceptions, one being the length of time he's doing. Say he gets a life sentence or 10 - 15 years. That's a long time to be committed to a person that's not gonna be there in the physical. The man incarcerated should also think about that woman. Is it fair to her to have to wait that long for you? For your mistake, something you did?
On the other hand, you said you wanted a bad boy. You said you love the Thugs. So should she love everything that goes with it? Even when friends and family tell her different? - "Girl he aint shit! He stay in and out of jail! What can he do for you in there?" or "Girl, I got somebody for you to meet."
Those are just a few of the things she might hear from her closest friends and relatives. Some succumb to the pressure, mostly younger women who look at 2 yrs (half time = 1 yr prison) or 16 months (half time = 8 mos prison) as a lifetime. Real muthafuckas do that type of time standing on their heads. That's called "wino time" or "short tymer". That's when you don't even mention your sentence, especially around people who are doing years, ya heard?
You find that if you have a little more history with the woman on the outside then the odds of her staying down during a period of incarceration is better. If you only been with the bitch 6 mos to a year, your odds might not be so good. That broad will send you that Dear John letter - have your ass lookin' like Boo Boo lookin' for Yogi.
There ARE exceptions. You might run into one that you have not known that long on the street, ya'll have only spent a little time together, but she wants to stay down with you. Those are Keepers. They let patience have its perfect work and they stand the test of time.
So to all my Thuggs, Bad Boys and Gangstas: ASK THEM WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM! They're attracted by your lifestyle, that swag. Can she accept the downfalls that come with it??
If so, when those unfortunate times come to pass you'll have a true Rider ridin' with you. If she says no, make her feet touch the gravel and tell her get on! No need wasting your time. She's a liability.
To the Ladies: Don't fuck with a flame if you don't like heat, ya heard? Meaning if you don't wanna be down during the Hard Times, don't be down at all. Find you a square, an L7, a fuckboy or something. You don't need a Thug.
So should she leave him or stay while he's in jail??
The answer is STAY 100%! She knew what it was when she got it!!
Thank you for reading. Please comment and leave your opinion.
Myc Ripley (10/8/14 performance recap)
10 years ago
I agree 100% He told me what it was when I started messing with him. He only has a year and I dont have a problem with waiting.Love him!