Who wants TRUE Thug Lovin'??
C'mon, walk with me...
Thug Lovin': Who really knows what it is and how to do it?
Here's 10 tips on how to heat her ass up in the privacy of your own bedroom.
1. Know Your Role
Women, let your man lead. To experience Thug Lovin', he must first invoke sensuality to her body from top down, Focusing on frequency rather than friction.
2. Get Beyond That Mental Block
Conflict is like clutter. Clear it up before engaging to make room for intimacy.
3. Activate Intimacy
It's important to create ambiance. Try turning up the room temp to warm the body. (So that pussy will throb and those balls will hang.) Fill the air with the scent of passion, not too strong, and keep the color red around to ignite sensuality. Use candle light to create an intimate mood.
4. Engage Without An Agenda
Take ya time! Transform a physical interaction into a sexual journey. Approach love making as a playful exploration rather than a means to an end. You have to prep that meat before you cook and eat it.
5. It's All In The Kiss...4 Real
Consider the kiss the interview. Use the rhythm, pace and intensity of your kiss to express the kind of lover you are and the qualities you want when you make Thug Lovin'.
6.Breathe Each Other's Breath
Synchronized breathing is one step to arousal. (That "Oneness") Make the heat rise even higher by inhaling and exhaling just inches apart. Eye contact is encouraged to increase intensity. No closed eyes!
7. Express Yourself
When a woman remains silent in bed it's as if she's hiding in a dark room and the dude is fumbling around trying to find her. She can help guide him by using her voice.
8. Learn The Power of Touch
This is key. Use your finger tips and hands (both at the same time) to stimulate your partner's body. The more delicate and subtle the touch, the more powerful the effect.
9.Thugs: Hold That Fire...No Need For a 2nd Wind
To increase endurance while taking her down, try maintaining a slow, regulated breathing pattern. Bring direct contact to a stand still for a few seconds when necessary in order to return to a slow build. The goal is to maintain the same level of excitement from beginning to end. Use multiple positions. Put her every which way. Don't leave a place on her unexplored.
10. Women: Lay Off The Pocket Rocket
Take a break from your "lil friend" if you want to find the flow with your Thug. The truth is, he will never be able to match its frequency. Becoming too familiar with a toy or dildo can result in sexual frustration. It can also lead to pussy and clitoris numbness.
Now consider yourself a lil better off than you were before after reading these steps. TRY them. Utilize them. They will work for you. Ladies, if you have a square, J-cat, L7 or fuckboy and he seems to make you happy in every other area but intimacy - Tell him to look over these tips. It will help.
That Thug Lovin' is healing and exhilarating - just being able to feel that type of energy. No wonder they LUV that THUG PASSION!!
-Warchild AKA urmahs-
Myc Ripley (10/8/14 performance recap)
10 years ago
YYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!! BRB gotta handle some shyt